
I am a young auditor

Dear Boys and Girls,

Do you remember these cute little badges?

Introducing the new member to the family.
What are the objectives?

The objectives are to : stimulate interest in audit activities among students, enable students to carry out self-directed activities in areas of interest in audit, and provide opportunities for students to develop initiative and creativity.

Who can participate?

Anyone with integrity can participate in the scheme.

How do I participate?

There is only 1 Young Auditor badge, which can be earned. To earn a badge, you have to buy a corresponding activity card and carry out the activities listed in the card. For each activity you complete, you earn a number of stars. After you have earned the required number of stars, you qualify for THE badge. Your AIW mentor must certify that you have completed each card properly. You can ask your mentor and other experts for advice but you must carry out the activities yourself.

How long does it take to complete each activity card?

The activities are to be carried out during your leisure time. It normally takes about 3 years to complete one activity card.

Who certifies the activities?

Your AIW mentor in school will certify each activity in the cards after he or she is satisfied with your work.

Where do I get the activity cards?

The activity cards are available at the AIW souvenir shop.

Where do I send my completed activity card?

After you have completed the activity card and earned the required number of stars, hand the card over to your AIW mentor.

What are my rewards?

A certificate and badge will be awarded to you for each activity card you complete. You will also have an opportunity to display your work.

Where is the display held?

There will be a display of selected projects where THE badge presentation ceremony is held.The Young Auditors Activities Club is organised by AUDITORSinwhite, the AUDIT Teachers Association of Singapore, the Singapore Association for the Advancement of AUDIT and the Singapore National Academy of AUDIT. The scheme is supported by the Ministry of Audit.

Explore the world of opportunities. Come get your card NOW.

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